How to Book ?
We suggest to make advance Reservation to check availability, last booking may be accept up to 24 hours before departure do to check space availability. Please complete reservation with all your details such like: Complete name, passport number or Id Card number, date of birth, nationality

We accept payment by cash or credit card (Visa or Master Card) or Paypal For every booking please make advance payment as Deposit Minimum 50% from total cost and the rest payment must be paid 7 days before departure dates.

Cancellation Policies
We highly suggest you to read cancellation conditions before finalizing your reservation.
From 31- 15 days prior to arrival : 25% of the total tour price
From 14 – 7 days prior to arrival : 50% of the total price
Within 7 days to arrival : 100% of the total price

Price Validity
Price Valid from 1 January 2020 – 31 December 2020

Local Tour guide and Facilities
All our local Guide multi language sepaking, Experience and license by Indonesian tourism department, friendly and very helpful, Transportation : all transfer and tour with AC car such ( Toyota Avanza, Inova) (Suzuki APV, Ertiga) (Daihatsu Xenia)

PT. Komodo Cipta Wisata acts only in the capacity of an agent for tours, transportation, and hotels and will therefore is not responsible for any loss, damage, injury or any other things occurring beyond the touring programs. We will seek to provide alternatives tours itineraries possible; however we assure no further liability whatsoever for any third party in relation to the portion of any revised arrangement. Additional expenses caused by extraordinary event or circumstance beyond our control such as delay, accidents, natural disaster, political actions, and unrest must be borne by the traveler.